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Company:palo Alto Networksの求人-駿東郡清水町 - 69 Job Positions Available

69 / 1 - 20 求人
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  18日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  27日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  25日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  25日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  26日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  26日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  12日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  1日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Job Description 【業務内容】 第一メジャーアカウント事業本部では、日本の大手エンタープライズ企業の中で製造・自動車・電機・商社業界の日本のトップ50に対し、新規開拓とアカウントマネジメントを担っております。 ・営業SEが1対1のペアとして活動し、社内外のパートナーとも連携して案件創出、市場開拓に当たります。 ・上記市場において非常に高いシェアを誇り、お客様のDX推進をセキュリティの側面で支援する為、経営層や意思決定権者との意思疎通を最重要アクティビティとし、お客様のセキュリティコンサルタントになるべく営業活動していただきます ・お客様へのセキュリティ提案を立案し、それをビジネスとして実現していくためのアクションプランを立案・実行していただきます。 ・製品担当営業、マーケティングチームなど社内他部門と連携し、担当市場での認知度向上、案件創出を行っていただきます。 Qualifications Your Experience 【必須(MUST)】 - 5年以上のIT業界でのハイタッチセールス経験(セキュリティ業界未経験、ソフトウェア営業・ハードウェア営業、SIer営業可) - 製造、電機もしくは自動車業界に精通した営業経験 -エンタープライズ向け営業経験 -CxOレベルとのエンゲージメント 【歓迎(WANT)】 - セキュリティ業界経験 【求める人物像】 コミュニケーション能力、自己管理能力に優れた方 - 読み書きレベルの英語能力 - 担当顧客へのアカウント開拓とリレーション構築のスキルがある方(エグゼクティブ層含む) - ロジカルな思考でアカウント戦略を立案できること - 社内の各チーム(各プロダクト部門)と連携して提案を進めていくため、チームビルディングのスキルと主体性を持って案件推進ができる方 Additional Information The Team 第一メジャーアカウント事業本部の一員として戦略大手アカウント顧客の新規開拓とアカウントマネジメントを担うチームです。顧客に対して最高の製品ポートフォリオを提供する為、当社の幅広い製品・ソリューション提供していきます。

Palo Alto Networks  28日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  13日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  11日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  1日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  18日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  18日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  18日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  28日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  22日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  26日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  23日前
Palo Alto Networks 求人

Company Description Our Mission At Palo Alto Networks® everything starts and ends with our mission: Being the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. Our vision is a world where each day is safer and

Palo Alto Networks  18日前





company palo alto networks 求人 全国 駿東郡清水町


Palo Alto Networks


Disruptive Innovation

Presentation Skills


Technical Assistance

Customer Success


On-call Support




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