Company Description The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
企業概要 ボッシュにはモビリティソリューション、消費財、産業機器、エネルギー・建築関連技術など様々な製品分野があり、あらゆる国々で人々の生活の質を向上させることを企業指標としています。当社では、革新的なシステムやコンポーネント、技術を開発しています。その中で横浜の研究開発センターは数々の重要なモビリティソリューションを担当する日本国内の拠点です。この事業所には約1,200名の研究者や技術者が勤務し、新しい材料、手法、技術の開発のほか、革新的なシステム、コンポーネントなどの開発を行っています。 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier,Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new generation
Company Description Within Mobility Aftermarket, Automotive Service Solutions offers to our OE customers both customized and standard products and services, from diagnostic to repair and customer support. We are a forward-thinking unit dedicated to delivering great solutions
企業概要 ボッシュの歴史は自動車の進化の歴史です。トップクラスの自動車用装置サプライヤーとして、ボッシュは国内外の市場拡大を支援しています。ボッシュは、生態系、経済、安全性の新世代技術や次世代エネルギー技術など、先進的な技術を追求し、自動車を社会や世界の一部として維持するために取り組みます。革新的な技術を活用して、ボッシュは消費財や建築技術など、さまざまな分野に事業を拡大してきました。すべての顧客の重要なパートナーとなるために、ボッシュはさらなる期待に応えるために努力を続けます。 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
Company Description The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
Company Description The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
企業概要 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new generation
Company Description Within Mobility Aftermarket, Automotive Service Solutions offers to our OE customers both customized and standard products and services, from diagnostic to repair and customer support. We are a forward-thinking unit dedicated to delivering great
Company Description The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
企業概要 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new generation
企業概要 ボッシュにはモビリティソリューション、消費財、産業機器、エネルギー・建築関連技術など様々な製品分野があり、あらゆる国々で人々の生活の質を向上させることを企業指標としています。当社では、革新的なシステムやコンポーネント、技術を開発しています。その中で横浜の研究開発センターは数々の重要なモビリティソリューションを担当する日本国内の拠点です。この事業所には約1,200名の研究者や技術者が勤務し、新しい材料、手法、技術の開発のほか、革新的なシステム、コンポーネントなどの開発を行っています。 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
企業概要 ボッシュにはモビリティソリューション、消費財、産業機器、エネルギー・建築関連技術など様々な製品分野があり、あらゆる国々で人々の生活の質を向上させることを企業指標としています。当社では、革新的なシステムやコンポーネント、技術を開発しています。その中で横浜の研究開発センターは数々の重要なモビリティソリューションを担当する日本国内の拠点です。この事業所には約1,200名の研究者や技術者が勤務し、新しい材料、手法、技術の開発のほか、革新的なシステム、コンポーネントなどの開発を行っています。 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
企業概要 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new generation
Company Description The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
Company Description The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
企業概要 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new generation
企業概要 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new generation
企業概要 「ボッシュの歴史は、クルマの進化の歴史」、ボッシュ株式会社は世界のトップクラスの自動車機器サプライヤーとして国内はもとより、グローバルな市場への対応をサポートしています。新世代のエコロジー&エコノミー技術やセーフティ技術、そして次世代のエネルギー技術など未来を見つめた技術に挑戦しつづけています。さらに ボッシュ株式会社は、その革新のテクノロジーをもとに消費財・建築関連などさまざまなフィールドへ活躍の場を広げています。すべてのお客さまのキーパートナーとなるために、ボッシュは大きな期待に向かって走りつづけます。 The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the
Company Description The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new
企業概要 モーターサイクル&パワースポーツ事業部は、ネットワーク化システム、アシスタントシステム、パワートレインシステムと電動化の各分野に熟知する情熱あふれるエクスパートを有し、小型二輪車から高性能な二輪車、パワースポーツ全般まで幅広くカバーする包括的ソリューションを提供しております。通常、ボッシュの事業部門の本部はドイツにありますが、モーターサイクル&パワースポーツ事業部門は、世界の二輪者産業の中心地である日本にグローバル本部を置く形で運営しており、これはボッシュとして、ドイツ国外にグローバル本部を設置した初めての事例です。また米国、欧州、インド、中国に支部を展開しており、全世界の二輪車とパワースポーツ車両メーカーの個々の要求により効率的に答えるグローバルな体制を構築しております。 Two-Wheeler & Powersports is part of the Bosch Mobility Solutions business sector, building Bosch’s two-wheeler and powersports activities cross divisionally. Combining the areas of vehicle motion & safety, environment & efficiency and comfort & fun in