仕事概要 FCM の目標は、複雑なものをシンプルにすることです。法人トラベルコンサルタントとしてのあなたの意見は、多忙な法人顧客から高く評価されています。あなたは、航空、列車、ホテル、地上交通機関の予約を含むビジネス旅行の手配で、最適なソリューションを提案してお客様を支援する専門家です。これは、グローバル企業のリーチと交渉力に支えられており、法人旅行者向けに航空運賃、レンタカー、ホテルの最も競争力のある日額を調達できます。すべてのリクエストはユニークで、お客様の要件に合わせて調整されるため、同じケースは 2 つとありません! それに加えて、次のことが必要です: 旅行の手配、乗客名簿(PNR)とプロファイルの作成、発券、チケットの交換/変更、GDSでの航空券、列車(JR/私鉄)、ホテルと車の予約など、会社の手順、アカウントガイドライン、顧客サービス基準に従うこと 請求書発行手続き(ANA、JL(Amadeus、JL Online、GSO国内モード)、JR東日本(ビジネスえきねっと)、ホテル(JCS、ホテル予約サイト) 等) 外交力と機転を使って、組織内のさまざまなレベルのクライアントと関係を築くことができること 旅行先に関する最新情報を常に把握することに強い好奇心を示すこと、優れたコミュニケーションスキル、優れた地理とGDSの知識を持つこと あなたの努力の見返りとして、競争力のある市場給与が支払われます。また、世界中の無限のキャリアアップと就職機会で成功するための適切なトレーニング コースとツールも提供されます。 当社は「休暇なし=人生なし」を信条としています。有給休暇を利用して、自分だけの旅行アドベンチャーを楽しみましょう 旅行特典 - 業界割引を多数利用できるため、視野を広げ続けることができます キャリアの機会 - 急成長中の企業として、地元でも、世界中の 2,500 を超えるオフィスでも、希望する方向にキャリアを進める機会があります。 あなたが求めているものにぴったり合う、素晴らしい活気ある文化の一員になりたいなら、今すぐ応募してください。 About the Opportunity At FCM, our aim is to make the complex
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
InterSystems seeks an experienced and motivated Office Manager to provide high quality service and support to two busy offices in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan. This role is responsible for the smooth and efficient running of the
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
Woven Capital is a $800 million growth fund that exists to create a global portfolio of partners and technologies that advance the vision and mission of Toyota. We do this by investing in growth-stage companies that
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene
About Woven by ToyotaWoven by Toyota, a part of the Toyota Group, is challenging the current state of mobility through human-centric innovation and empowering mobility transformation. Through our AD/ADAS technology, our automotive software development platform Arene