Title: Special Operations Certified Athletic Trainer (1/1 SFG (A), Okinawa, Japan) THIS POSITION OFFERS RELOCATION. KBR maintains a highly qualified workforce to help care for service people and astronauts. We attract the best minds in the
As per the TRICARE contract, the near-patient Nurse will be considered the main executor of the near-patient Programs in-country medical services. Clinical: The role of the Near Patient Nurse is to provide medical case management and
International SOS is the world’s leading medical and security services company with over 12,000 employees working in 1,000 locations in 90 countries. International SOS Government Services administers the TRICARE Overseas Program providing high-quality, accessible health care
International SOS is the world’s leading medical and security services company with over 12,000 employees working in 1,000 locations in 90 countries. International SOS Government Services administers the TRICARE Overseas Program providing high-quality, accessible health care