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Devops Engineerの求人-上益城郡御船町 - 118 Job Positions Available

118 / 1 - 20 求人
Michael Page 求人

As a DevOps engineer you are responsible for creating and managing Docker Images, Kubernetes for containerisation and automate processes of the platform. This role is an opportunity for you to use your expertise in CI/CD pipeline creation as

Michael Page  16日前
Computer Futures 求人

You will liaise with mid-to-large enterprises, ensuring that customers realize continuous value from all of our offerings, whether they are perpetual or subscription-based, on-premises, or cloud-based. Collaborating closely with Security Directors/Managers, Security Engineers, Security Architects, and DevOps teams.

Computer Futures  15日前
Computer Futures 求人

A global healthcare company focused on pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and consumer health products. It is dedicated to innovation and improving health by developing advanced treatments and preventative measures. The company leverages cutting-edge research and technology to address

Computer Futures  8日前
Computer Futures 求人

This product is a cloud-based drawing data management system designed for manufacturers. It centralizes and organizes technical drawings, ensuring secure storage, easy accessibility, and efficient collaboration. The system supports various file formats and integrates with other

Computer Futures  5日前

This is a gaint technology company with multiple services, is a leader in e-commerce, fintech, banking and many more. With a mission to empower individuals and businesses through technology, this company fosters a culture of collaboration,

SThree Japan  2日前
Cogent Labs 求人

About Cogent Founded in 2014, Cogent Labs is devoted to providing innovative solutions to real-world problems in order to improve peoples quality of work and life through intelligent automation. We believe achieving this goal requires a

Cogent Labs  15日前
Cogent Labs 求人

About Cogent Founded in 2014, Cogent Labs is devoted to providing innovative solutions to real-world problems in order to improve peoples quality of work and life through intelligent automation. We believe achieving this goal requires a

Cogent Labs  3日前
Cogent Labs 求人

About Cogent Founded in 2014, Cogent Labs is devoted to providing innovative solutions to real-world problems in order to improve peoples quality of work and life through intelligent automation. We believe achieving this goal requires a

Cogent Labs  16日前

職種 正社員 職務明細 You will be responsible for the development of a software platform (Edge AI Platform) that utilizes AI and Sonys image sensors. Edge AI Platform development consists of AI application development that utilizes Sonys

MIDOKURA Japan  17日前
nanameue, Inc. 求人

職種 正社員 職務明細 At nanameue, Inc our focus is to connect people through social media. nanameue, Inc. started in May of 2013 with roots in Japan and Thailand. With growing teams, nanameue, Inc. has built one

Nanameue, Inc.  17日前
Oracle 求人

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is building the next generation cloud service along with providing a world class cloud support experience. We are building a team of energetic Technical Operations Engineers to blend infrastructure/application administration, incident command and

Oracle  17日前
Rakuten 求人

Job Description: Business Overview The Technology Platforms Division (TPD) is responsible for building and operating the infrastructure and ecosystem platforms which power the Rakuten Group. Our mission is to provide our Rakuten Cloud and Ecosystem Platforms

Rakuten  4日前
Rakuten 求人

Job Description: Business Overview The Technology Platforms Division (TPD) is responsible for building and operating the infrastructure and ecosystem platforms which power the Rakuten Group. Our mission is to provide our Rakuten Cloud and Ecosystem Platforms

Rakuten  4日前
Woven by Toyota 求人

Woven by Toyota is the mobility technology subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation. Our mission is to deliver safe, intelligent, human-centered mobility for all. Through our Arene mobility software platform, safety-first automated driving technology and Toyota Woven

Woven By Toyota  14日前
Randstad Sourceright - Japan 求人

■会社名:非公開 ■ポジション名:フロントエンジニア・正社員 ■給与:600万円~1,800万円(※ご経験を考慮) ■勤務地:東京都(最寄駅:品川駅) ■事業概要 ・グループの中核企業として【連結会計システム】の開発・販売・コンサルティング事業を展開。 ・「グループ経営」に着目した【グループ経営支援システム】の開発。 ・お客様ニーズにあわせて他社開発のソフトウェアとも組み合わせたシステム開発・実装。 ■【連結会計システム】について ・導入実績1000社超、東証時価総額上位200社の半数以上がクライアント ・連結会計パッケージソフトのシェアNo.1 ・国内連結会計ソフト市場において10年連続1位を獲得 ■会社の魅力 ・グループ経営に関するコンサルティングに強みを持つ ・【自社開発】を行うソフトウェアメーカー ・【国内シェアNo.1】の連結会計ソフト保有 ・日本発の世界に通用するソフトウェアカンパニーを目指す ・対峙する相手は日本トップ企業のCFO・財務経理部・経営企画部・事業責任者 □-□-□-□-□-□-□-□-□-□ ■業務内容【フロントエンドエンジニア】 ・クラウドサービスにおけるWebアプリケーションのUI設計、開発 ・チーム開発のリード ■本ポジションに期待する事【フロントエンドエンジニア】 ミッションを達成するために、エンジニアリングチームは大きな転換をしようとしています。お客様の「経営情報の大衆化」を進めるために同社は成長を続けてきました。今後さらなる速度でのサービス拡大および「経営情報の大衆化」を見据え、新規ソフトウェアサービスの拡充に取り組んでいます。 これまでモノリシックなオンプレミス型クライアントアプリケーションとして設計・実装されてきた同社のプロダクトをクラウド型ブラウザアプリケーションとすることで、より、お客様に価値を提供できるシステムへと作り変えています。 ■技術環境: ・開発言語: C#, JavaScript(AngularJS 等々), C++ ・インフラストラクチャ: オンプレミスサーバ, Microsoft Azure, Amazon

Randstad Sourceright - Japan  17日前
Oracle 求人

Cloud Engineer is responsible for delivering outstanding services to our CSS Customers running Oracle private, public, and multi-cloud. They are encouraged to have encouraged cloud solutions & problem resolution skills to help our customers at different stages

Oracle  17日前
Randstad Sourceright - Japan 求人

Building a Better Working World「より良い社会の構築を目指して」という Purpose のもと、 変革のリーダーとしてお客様のビジネス変革のお手伝いをし、長期的な価値を提供しています。変革には Business Transformation だけでなく Technology Transformation も必要不可欠であり、Technology Consulting 組織では「Technology@Speed」として Cloud, IoT, BlockChain, AI, Security など様々な Technology を活用し Agile そして Data driven なコンサルティング活動を推進しています。 今回募集する Microsoft ソリューションを担当するテクノロジーコンサルタント (Microsoft Azure) においては、Microsoft Azure

Randstad Sourceright - Japan  17日前
Rakuten 求人

Job Description: Job Description: Rakuten Group, Inc. has 70+ services. Linking these diverse services through a common membership and loyalty program, Rakuten has created one of the worlds most unique and robust ecosystems. Cloud Services Department

Rakuten  13日前
Red Hat 求人

Summary The Red Hat Open Innovation Labs (Labs) team is looking for an Agile Development Coach to join us in Tokyo, Japan. In this role, you will use a variety of modern application development practices, along

Red Hat  5日前
Woven by Toyota 求人

Woven by Toyota is the mobility technology subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation. Our mission is to deliver safe, intelligent, human-centered mobility for all. Through our Arene mobility software platform, safety-first automated driving technology and Toyota Woven

Woven By Toyota  4日前





devops engineer 求人 全国 上益城郡御船町














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