Title: Special Operations Certified Athletic Trainer (1/1 SFG (A), Okinawa, Japan) THIS POSITION OFFERS RELOCATION. KBR maintains a highly qualified workforce to help care for service people and astronauts. We attract the best minds in the
Company OverviewAt ValidaTek, we modernize and optimize IT services to solve some of the most critical challenges facing federal civilian and defense agencies. From customers to partners to top-talent employees, ValidaTek puts people first, empowering them
Overview U.S. Naval Dental Center , Okinawa Japan is looking for 17 Dental Assistants to provide dental services and support for military personal and their families. Pay: $22/hr Relocation: Relocation assistance available Schedule: 40 hours per
Overview U.S. Naval Dental Center , Okinawa Japan is looking for 5 Dental Hygienists to provide dental services and support for military personnel and their families. Pay: $37/HR Schedule: 40 hours per week, Monday –Friday between