Job Purpose and Impact The Merchant, will participate in handling a supplier base and fulfill transactions delivering commodities that meet production requirements and specifications in terms of timing, volume, quantity and cost. In this role, you will
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Air Liquide Laboratories is one of the main R&D centers of the Air Liquide group. Its goal is to develop new and innovative solutions for the entire Air Liquide group. Air Liquide Laboratories is located at
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
このポジションはTelexistenceの製品開発・生産チームとしてロボットの生産ラインを内製化すべく設置された新ポジションです。(本ポジションの雇用主はTelexistenceの100%子会社、Model T Operationsです)。 This position has been established as part of Telexistences product development and production team to internalize the robot production line. *The employer for this position is Model T Operations, a 100% subsidiary of Telexistence. 業務内容
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
シニアバリデーションプロジェクトマネージャー 山形県/ 日本 / 正社員(フルタイム)CAI日本チームでは、製薬/医療機器/バイオテクノロジー業界において、生産設備や機器の試運転(コミッショニング)・適格性検査(クオリフィケーション)・バリデーション(CQV) の分野で様々な経験を積んだ方を募集します。 会社概要:CAIは1996年に設立された、アメリカを代表するGxP/エンジニアリングコンサルティング企業です。現在では世界中で850人以上の従業員を抱えて13か国で活動しており、ISPEやPDAといった医薬品業界の学会とも強いコネクションを有しています。医薬品・医療機器といったライフサイエンス産業やデータセンターなどの厳しい規制対応を要求される産業に対し、生産設備や機器のコミッショニング、クオリフィケーション、バリデーション、スタートアップ、プロジェクト管理、GxPコンサルティングサービスを提供しています。 近年、CAIはアジアで目覚ましい成長を遂げており、2023年に日本法人を設立いたしました。欧米を中心に国際的な大手ライフサイエンス企業に対して提供してきた弊社のサービスを、日本のライフサイエンス企業にも提供するため、グローバルなキャリアを目指すエンジニアの方を募集しています。 CAIでは、従業員の持つスキルと知識の見返りとして、幅広いベネフィットを提供しています。- 競争力のある給与- 継続的な教育(社内外)- 発展著しい分野で最先端のプロジェクトに携わる機会 より高いスタンダードを目指すCAIはクライアントの利益を第一に考え、正しい結果が出るまで行動を続け、結果の達成のために必要な施策を全て行います。当社の従業員は、プロフェッショナルとして、また個人として、以下の基本原則を実践します:- 誠実に行動する- 互いに奉仕する- 社会に奉仕する- 未来のために働く 業務内容シニアバリデーションプロジェクトマネージャー1. 医薬品または医療機器の生産施設、ユーティリティ、設備のコミッショニング、適格性評価、バリデーション(CQV)文書化を実行するプロジェクトチームを現場で率い、プロジェクトを成功を収める。2. プロトコルの作成、顧客サイトでの作業実施およびサマリーレポートの作成。3. ドキュメントの作成や実行における作業の計画/調整、実行サイクルの管理、小規模チームへの指示。 必要な経験および必須条件1. 経口固形製剤(錠剤や粉末など)を製造する製薬会社の生産施設におけるプロジェクト管理経験,2. 医薬品や医療機器など、FDAの規制対象業界におけるコミッショニング、適格性評価(クオリフィケーション)、バリデーション業務の経験(15年以上)※設備や機器の立ち上げ、ウォークダウン&トラブルシューティング、ユーティリティ(WFI、RO、HVAC)、ビルディング・オートメーション、またはその他の製薬製造プロセスや機器、FAT/SAT、URS、デザインレビュー、P&ID、IQ/OQ/PQといったプロトコルの作成&実行経験をお持ちの方3. 提案書または契約書に定義された業務範囲の遂行指示、ディレクション4. 現在の提案/契約の範囲外で依頼された作業を特定し、スコープ変更を行い、スコープ外の作業を行う前にプロジェクト管理を実施5. プロジェクトの安全管理を担当6. 顧客やその他の関係者に月次ステータス報告書を提出7. 成果物の管理8. に関する知識9. CQVプロジェクトで起こりうる技術的問題に関する知識10. 優れた技術的問題解決能力とトラブルシューティング能力11. マルチタスクをこなし、定められた期限までに担当業務を正確に遂行する主体性12. CQV活動の計画/指示経験13. バイオテクノロジー、無菌操作法、無菌フィル&フィニッシュ、固形製剤、遺伝子治療などの製造プロセスに精通している、または同等の経験がある方 必要スキル1.
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
JOB SUMMARY Manages all restaurant operations and staff on a daily basis. Areas of responsibility include Restaurants/Bars and Room Service. As a department head, directs and works with the food and beverage/culinary management team and employees
Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department.
Welcome to Warner Bros. Discovery… the stuff dreams are made of. Who We Are… When we say, “the stuff dreams are made of,” we’re not just referring to the world of wizards, dragons and superheroes, or