Company Description
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (NYSE: ANF) is a leading, global specialty retailer of apparel and accessories for men, women and kids through five renowned brands. The iconic Abercrombie & Fitch brand was born in 1892 and aims to make every day feel as exceptional as the start of a long weekend. abercrombie kids sees the world through kids’ eyes, where play is life and every day is an opportunity to be anything and better anything. The Hollister brand believes in liberating the spirit of an endless summer inside everyone and making teens feel celebrated and comfortable in their own skin. Gilly Hicks, offering intimates, loungewear and sleepwear, is designed to invite everyone to embrace who they are underneath it all.
The brands share a commitment to offering products of enduring quality and exceptional comfort that allow consumers around the world to express their own individuality and style. Abercrombie & Fitch Co. operates approximately 750 stores under these brands across North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, as well as the e-commerce sites,, and
Abercrombie&Fitch Co.(NYSE: ANF)は、5つのブランドを通して、男性、女性、子供向けのアパレルとアクセサリーを提供するグローバルな企業です。代表的なブランドであるAbercrombie&Fitchは1892年に誕生し、毎日が長い週末の始まりのような特別な気分であることを目指しています。 Abercrombie kidsは、子どもの目線で世界を見ています。遊びは経験であり、毎日がなりたい自分やより良い自分になるチャンスだと信じています。Hollisterは、すべての人が終わりのない夏の心を持ち、ティーンが快適に自分自身でいられるようサポートします。Gilly Hicksは、下着、ラウンジウェア、パジャマ、アクティブウェアを提供しており、アイテムを着用する誰もがありのままの自分を受け入れられるようにデザインされています。
店舗展開: 約750店舗 (北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア、中東)
Abercrombie & Fitch:
Abercrombie kids:
Gilly Hicks:
Job Description
Manager In Training
The MIT must complete the training to be moved on into the Assistant Manager role. Successful completion of the program is the first step for leadership. The MIT program is a blended-learning, 90-day program focused on immersing a manager in all aspects involved in running a multi-million-dollar business. Training takes place in store locations. The program trains you on the necessary principles of management including creating the best In-store Customer Experience, Store Operations, Business Management, Floor Supervision and Talent Management.
As an assistant manager you will be involved in the whole operation of running a store, such as staffing Hiring & Training, Analyzes & Track Business, Drive Business Success, Visual Marketing & Merchandising, Competitor & market analysis and human resource management. The company strongly advocates philosophy of growth from within. All of our District Managers, Regional Managers, Directors, even our Vice President of Stores have gone through the MIT Program.
Manager In Trainingとは
MIT(Manager in Training)が、アシスタントマネージャーに移行するためにはすべてのトレーニングを完了する必要があります。プログラムを無事に完了することは、リーダーシップの第一歩です。 MITプログラムは、数億円規模のビジネスの運営に関わるすべての項目において、マネージャーの理解度を深めることに焦点を当てた90日間のプログラムです。トレーニングは店舗で行われます。このプログラムでは、最高のショップ経験作り、店舗運営、ビジネス管理、セールスフロア監督、人材育成など、マネジメントに必要な原則についてトレーニングします。
Why Us
Additional Information
What You’ll Get
As an Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (A&F Co.) associate, you’ll be eligible to participate in a variety of benefit programs designed to fit you and your lifestyle. A&F is committed to providing simple, competitive, and comprehensive benefits that align with our Company’s culture and values, but most importantly – with you! We also provide competitive incentives to reward the commitment our associates have for moving our global business forward:
※Subject to eligibility.
The starting rate for this position is JPY 3,755,460 annually (i.e., the recruiting pay range for this position is JPY 3,755,460 - JPY 3,755,460 annually). The starting rate and range may be modified in the future.
Upon completion of the training & probationary period, the starting rate increases to JPY 4,055,892 annually.
このポジションの初任給は 3,755,460 円です (つまり、このポジションの給与範囲は年間 3,755,460 円から 3,755,460 円です)。初任給と範囲は将来変更される可能性があります。研修と試用期間を終えると、初任給は年間 4,055,892 円に上がります。
Any job offers for this role could be subject to and conditional upon the applicant carrying out applicable work visa formalities. You could be contacted by the company to find out which documents you will need to provide.
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer
Abercrombie&Fitch Co.は、機会均等/アファーマティブアクションを重視しています。
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