
Public Policy Liaison - Corporate Division [Rakuten Payment]

Job Description:

Note: This position will be seconded to Rakuten Edy Co., Ltd. upon joining the company.

Mission Our mission is to support the sustainable growth of Rakuten Payment's diverse payment services and provide advanced fintech services, focusing on the two electronic money services operated by the Rakuten Group: Rakuten Edy and Rakuten Cash.

  • Responding to the Financial Services Agency, which supervises our prepaid payment instruments and funds transfer business.

  • Coordinating internal and external activities related to laws and regulations for the release of new services.

  • Collaborating and building relationships with industry associations to expand services like Rakuten Edy and Rakuten Cash.

You would build relationships with government agencies, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders to create rules that protect the interests of both customers and companies through the establishment of new laws and regulations in the payment field.

Department Introduction/Organizational Structure

The Payment Liaison Office mainly engages in activities such as advocating for deregulation in finance, creating new business opportunities, and revitalizing the economy through communication with relevant ministries and agencies. We formulate and implement strategies for policy proposals and compliance, negotiate and coordinate with government agencies, regulatory authorities, and industry associations, and promote internal responses to legal revisions. The members of the Public Policy Liaison Department consist of both new graduates and mid-career hires with practical experience, sharing knowledge and enhancing each other's skills.

Background of Recruitment

Rakuten Payment, established in 2019 as a core company of the Rakuten Group, is the youngest company in the group and is developing a cashless business, one of the most rapidly evolving areas. As the demand for cashless payments continues to expand and the number of users and partner companies increases explosively, there is a growing need for policy liaison. Additionally, as we seek to provide new features and services to realize more attractive offerings, the need for policy consideration and advice is increasing. Therefore, we are looking for individuals with experience in public policy liaison or experience in relevant government agencies.

Required Qualifications

You will be responsible for planning, formulating, and executing public policy liaison activities in the payment field.

  • Planning and implementing liaison activities.

  • Building relationships, negotiating, and coordinating with ministry officials and industry associations.

  • Keeping up-to-date with the latest policy trends.

  • Formulating and implementing strategies for policy proposals and compliance.

  • Promoting internal responses to legal revisions.

  • Creating policy proposals, reports, and explaining and negotiating with internal and external stakeholders.

  • Planning, operating, and managing various public policy liaison projects.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Either ❶ or ❷: ❶ More than 2 years of practical experience in public policy liaison. ❷ More than 2 years of experience in policy formulation or legislative activities in ministries or national institutions.

  • Basic PC skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).

  • TOEIC score of 800 or higher, or motivation to achieve an equivalent score within two years of joining the company.

Preferred Experience and Skills

  • Management experience in a public policy liaison department.

  • Practical experience in public policy liaison at a financial institution.

  • Ability to view matters from both policy and business perspectives.

  • A strong desire for knowledge.

Career Development

You can gain knowledge and experience at the forefront of the fintech business, including cashless payments, and build a career path as a professional in public policy liaison in the fintech field. By engaging in public policy liaison for businesses under the supervision of the Financial Services Agency, you will understand the role of public policy liaison in regulated industries and develop the skills required for it. You will also be involved in rule-making through exchanges of opinions with the government and industry associations.

Message from the Hiring Manager

One of the characteristics of our liaison department is the opportunity to challenge new businesses. This job requires not only specialized knowledge in policy but also knowledge of the payment industry, high problem-solving skills, and communication skills, making it a highly challenging job. However, it is also extremely exciting as it involves building a part of the new era. We look forward to applications from those who are enthusiastic about engaging in public policy liaison in new fields.

Company Introduction

The Rakuten Group's basic management philosophy is "empowering people and society through innovation." With over 100 million Rakuten members, we provide a wide range of services, including the Rakuten Ichiba and Rakuten Travel internet shopping malls, financial services such as Rakuten Card and Rakuten Bank, media services, professional sports, and more than 70 other services, covering various aspects of people's lives. We have built a strong business model called the "Rakuten Ecosystem," which organically connects users with various services. As a member of the fintech group companies within the Rakuten Group, Rakuten Payment offers a variety of payment-related services such as "Rakuten Pay," "Rakuten Edy," "Rakuten Cash," "Rakuten Point Card," and "Rakuten Check," and develops businesses centered on marketing solutions that combine these services with the assets of the Rakuten Group. We aim to create numerous innovations in the "Finance x Commerce and other group domains." We strive to create a world where everyone can enjoy the same value, regardless of where they are, through the power of technology. As the digital realm in society rapidly expands, we aim to seamlessly connect the internet and the real world through payments, ensuring that everyone can live their daily lives safely, securely, and more comfortably using technology. We are committed to addressing various issues faced by people and moving forward together towards the next stage.

Public Policy Liaison - Corporate Division [Rakuten Payment]

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