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Company:eyの求人-伊具郡丸森町 - 164 Job Positions Available

164 / 1 - 20 求人
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  1日前
EY 求人

Talent Development部はLearning &Development, Performance Development、関連するその他のイニシアチブなど、人材の成長と開発を包括的に担当する部署です。 部署のメンバーとして、Learning &Development業務を中心に、以下に関するグローバルと日本のプロジェクトの企画と運用を担当して頂きます。 ■ラーニングプログラムのデザインまたはファシリテーション、またはその両方 ■ラーニングに関わるオペレーション業務 ■人材開発育成についてデータの統計分析を行い、その情報をもとに企画立案と実施 ■人材の能力開発と成長を促進する為のグローバルプラットフォームの日本導入と浸透 このポジションの魅力 ・EYのL&Dの知見が身に付き、高い専門性、スキルを得る事が出来ます。 ・主体性を持ったチャレンジを尊重する風土があり、新たなチャレンジを後押しする環境があります。 応募資格 ■タレントディベロップメント領域での経験3年以上、特に、スキルマップやキャリアマップ等の作成を伴う組織の能力開発の双方を経験した方 ■人事領域(特にタレントディベロップメント)に関してデータ統計や分析を行った経験 ■ビジネスレベル以上の英語力 ※グローバルとのやり取りもありますので、ライティング、リスニング、スピーキング力が必要になります。 ■柔軟性、アジリティ、レジリエンス力のある方 ■優れた対人スキルを有しチームプレイヤーであると同時に、ゴールドリブンである方 【尚可】 ■ラーニングプログラムのデザインとファシリテーション ■組織開発に関する実績・経験...

EY  1日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  4時間前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  3日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  7日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  7日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  8日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  5日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  5日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  5日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  5日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  5日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  5日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  5日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  5日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  5時間前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  1日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  1日前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  4時間前
EY 求人

At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique

EY  4時間前





company ey 求人 全国 伊具郡丸森町


Global Delivery




Microsoft Office

Professional Services



Presentation Skills

Oral Communication



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